Brass: properties and characteristics

Nowadays, we have all been able to notice the presence of brass in different manufactures. Whether in electricity, plumbing, or even interior decoration, brass is already present as a raw material for obtaining quality objects. it is a metal born from the alloy between copper and zinc with proportions of 60% for copper and 40% for zinc.

It is this special composition that makes it an excellent metal for making objects in various fields. For accessories or fittings, brass is always present. That’s why we invite you to find out a little more. In this article, we share everything you need to know about the famous brass.

Brass: what is it?

Brass is a non-ferrous metal that has been used since time immemorial. It is an alloy between copper and zinc which results in a robust and malleable metal used for the manufacture of several products. This metal is widely used by the Greeks as it was adopted for its special golden yellow color.

Thanks to its characteristics, humans were able to see in brass the opportunity to exploit a metal whose quality is superior and the price is so accessible. Also known as gold, copper, yellow, or bronze, brass quickly had a reputation and fame in the world of metals. Nowadays, it has become impossible not to have at least one object made from brass at home. It can be a kitchen faucet, door handle, kitchen utensils, or many others.

The properties of brass

Brass is one of the few metals that has so many properties. This is what sets it apart from other ferrous and non-ferrous metals and makes it a great alternative for different fabrications. Moreover, we will quote below all its properties.

  • Electrical properties

Brass is a metal that is known for its high conductivity. This is why it is one of the most widely used metals in the manufacture of electrical wires and conductors. It allows a better flow of electric current while being affordable, unlike other metals which are much more expensive.

  • Chemical properties

Brass is well known for its corrosion resistance. This is also why it is widely used in plumbing and valve work. It is highly used in all that relates to fittings and conductions. It is even used in the naval sector for everything related to ships.

  • Thermal properties

As with its electrical conductivity, brass is also characterized by its thermal conductivity. It is also sturdy and does not easily fade or degrade from light. It is of great durability, with the possibility of melting it in an easy and fast way through several different means to make various objects.

  • Mechanical properties

Brass is a metal that has several mechanical properties that sets it apart and differentiates it from other metals. it is characterized by its malleability which makes it easily moldable to take the desired shape for different fabrications. It also has an elasticity property that allows its easy handling. Brass is a dense metal that is distinguished by its high resistance to wear and traction. This is what makes it an excellent choice for everything related to locksmithing, the automotive sector, and many others. In addition, it is ideal for the manufacture of flammable compounds.

  • Various properties

The list of properties of brass is still long. We will add that brass is one of the recyclable metals. Thus, it is enough to collect its residues and melt them as many times as necessary. This one will not lose its properties and will be just as impeccable to make what you want from it. In addition, from an aesthetic point of view, brass is characterized by its attractive reddish, yellow, or golden color. Which makes it perfect for making pieces and decorative elements.

The different uses of brass

Thanks to its innumerable chemical, thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties, brass is highly present in manufacturing in various sectors. It is a wise choice if you bet on obtaining an excellent quality-price ratio that combines the superior quality of the metal with its accessible and affordable price. That said, let’s take a look at the varied uses of brass together.

  • Stationery

Whatever it may surprise you, but brass is well and truly used in stationery. It is used to create the tiles that allow the formation of watermarks. That’s not all! Brass can be used for making pens or paperclips, for example.

  • Decoration

It is a material widely used in the creation and manufacture of decorative pieces. Its golden color is appreciated to adapt and integrate into any interior. Thus, it can be present in lamps, photo frames, shelves… and more.

  • Jewelry

Brass appeared in a period when women wore jewelry on a daily and exaggerated basis. It was therefore a good alternative to replace expensive metals whose handling and malleability are quite complicated. Because of this, brass is the perfect choice for jewelry making.

That’s not all, the list goes on and on! As we have specified, brass is highly exploited in various sectors and for the manufacture of several elements. It is therefore present in everything related to valves, locksmithing, hardware, coin manufacturing, watchmaking, musical instrument manufacturing, foundry, mechanics … and more.

Maintenance of brass objects

Now the question that arises is how to maintain your brass items. We share some tips you can follow to keep your brass in excellent condition. The first is that you can clean your brass objects using a damp cloth and a little washing soda. You can also use white vinegar. Oxidizing it removes stains from your brass, leaving it clean and shiny. You can also use hot water and baking soda for cleaning brass. Otherwise, if you are a fan of recipes found on the internet, you can use Coca-Cola or ketchup sauce. Both of these options have been proven effective in cleaning brass and restoring it to its original state of cleanliness and shine. A rinse afterward is sufficient for your brass objects to regain all their aesthetic charm.

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